苹果(Malus. pumila)和木瓜(Chaenomeles)为蔷薇科仁果类的不同属植物。一般来说,异属嫁接由于砧穗的亲缘关系较远,难于成活。但也有一些植物能够正常生长,开花结实。位于云南省西北部、西部的丽江、迪庆、怒江、保山等地区分布着许多以木瓜作砧木的苹果树,当地俗弥“木瓜苹果”。作砧的木瓜属植物一般为毛叶木瓜(C. Cathyensis)、皱皮木瓜(C. Speciosa)野木瓜(C. sp. ),接穗是金冠、元帅等品种。冬、春季切接、劈接或腹接,容易成活。
Malus pumila and Chaenomeles are different genus of Rosaceae pomelo. In general, heterosexual grafting due to rootstock sclerosis far genetic relationship, difficult to survive. But there are also some plants that grow normally and bloom well. Located in the northwestern Yunnan Province, western Lijiang, Diqing, Nu River, Baoshan and other areas are distributed with many papaya as rootstock apple trees, local vulgar Mi papaya apple. For the rootstock of the Chaenomeles are generally the leaves of the papaya (C. Cathyensis), wrinkled papaya (C. Speciosa) papaya (C. sp.), Scion is the golden crown, marshal and other varieties. Winter and spring cut access, split or abdomen, easy to survive.