考察分析了保护区的保护价值、生态效益、社会效益和经济效益等。结果表明该保护区生物多样性丰富 ,生态环境脆弱 ,生态价值高达每年 12亿多元 ,建设期中可多安排 2 0 0多个临时工作岗位 ,带动相关产业增收 140 0~ 330 1万元 ,每年产生直接经济效益 5 4 0 0多万元。亟待加大保护力度
The protection value, ecological benefit, social benefit and economic benefit of the protected area were investigated and analyzed. The results show that the reserve is rich in biodiversity and ecologically fragile with an ecological value of more than 1.2 billion yuan each year. More than 200 temporary jobs can be arranged during the construction period, resulting in an increase of 140.0-3.30 million yuan in relevant industries. Each year Producing direct economic benefits 54 million yuan. Urgent need to increase protection