冬期施工中,砌墙砖要不要浇水湿润?应根据当日气候情况确定。《砌体工程施工及验收规范》(GB 50203-98)规定;“普通砖、多孔砖和空心砖在气温高于0℃条件下砌筑时,应适当浇水湿润。在气温低于、等于0℃条件下砌筑时,可不浇水,但必须增大砂浆的稠度。”也就是说,尽管进入冬期施工,只要气温高于0℃,普通砖、多孔砖和空心砖应当浇水湿润,并注意随浇随用,以防气温骤降而使砖受冻。在气温低于、等于0℃条件下砌筑时,砖可不浇水,但必须增大砂浆行稠度,以弥补不浇砖而造成的影响。也可通过采用
Winter construction, wall brick or watering moist? Should be determined according to the weather conditions. “Standard for Construction and Acceptance of Masonry Works” (GB 50203-98) stipulates that “Ordinary bricks, perforated bricks and hollow bricks should be properly watered and moistened when the temperature is higher than 0 ° C. When the temperature is lower than or equal to 0 ℃ masonry conditions, you can not watering, but you must increase the consistency of mortar. ”That is, despite the winter into the construction, as long as the temperature is higher than 0 ℃, ordinary brick, brick and hollow brick should be watertight, and pay attention With the use of pouring to prevent the sudden drop in temperature so that the brick was cold. When the temperature is lower than or equal to 0 ℃ masonry conditions, the brick can not be watering, but must increase the mortar consistency, to make up for the impact of not pouring brick. Can also be adopted