麻黄是作用较广、疗效确切的一味中药,因此,对其进行作用机理探讨和临床用药总结是很有必要的。麻黄为麻黄科植物革麻黄(Ephedra sinica St-apf)、中麻黄(Ephedra intermedia Schrenk etC.A.Mey)或木贼麻黄(Ephedra equisetina Bge)的干燥草质茎。性温,味辛,微苦。具有发汗解表,宣肺平喘,利水消肿等功效。麻黄的有效成分主要为多种生物碱和少量挥发油及鞣质。生物碱中主要为左旋麻黄碱(L-ephedrine);其次为伪麻黄碱(D-pseudo ephe-drine),以及微量的 L-N-甲基麻黄碱(L-N-methyl
Ephedra is a traditional Chinese medicine that has a wide range of effects and exact therapeutic effects. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss the mechanism of action and summary of clinical medication. Ephedra is a dry grassy stem of Ephedra sinica St-apf, Ephedra intermedia Schrenk et C.A. Mey, or Ephedra equisetina Bge. Warm, spicy and bitter. With sweating solution, Xuanfei asthma, diuresis swelling and other effects. The active ingredients of ephedra are mainly a variety of alkaloids and a small amount of volatile oil and tannins. Alpha alkaloids are predominantly L-ephedrine; followed by pseudoephedrine (D-pseudo ephe-drine) and traces of L-N-methylephedrine (L-N-methyl).