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毛笔是古人必备的文房用具,它在表达中国书法及绘画的特殊韵味上有着与众不同的魅力。笔的发展,经历了从单纯的实用工具到精美工艺品的历程,在各个不同时期表现出不同的特色,并涌现了一大批制笔工匠及艺术作品。但由于毛笔易损,不容易保存,故流传至今的古笔可谓凤毛麟角。根据对出土文物的考察,毛笔的使用可以追溯到距今五六千年前的仰韶时代。在仰韶文化遗址的彩陶上,有鱼、鸟等动物形象及丰富多彩的几何花纹,如锯齿纹、水波纹、圈纹、网 The writing brush is an indispensable writing instrument for the ancients. It has a distinctive charm in expressing the special charm of Chinese calligraphy and painting. The development of the pen has gone through the process from purely practical tools to exquisite handicrafts, showing different characteristics in different periods and a large number of pen-making artisans and works of art emerged. However, since the brush is fragile, it is not easy to save, so the ancient pennilence so far can be described as rare. According to the investigation of unearthed relics, the use of brush can be traced back to the Yangshao era five or six thousand years ago. Yangshao cultural sites in the pottery, there are fish, birds and other animal images and colorful geometric patterns, such as zigzag pattern, ripple, loop pattern, the network
大明宫从唐初建至唐末废,伴随大唐帝国盛衰荣辱269年。唐朝21个皇帝,有17个在大明宫治理朝政与寝居。大明宫不啻为大唐的一个符号。  东方土遗址是“地上一无所有、地下气象万千”。50多年来,大明宫经过三代人的考古发掘,经过征地围护、工程保护、建遗址公园等不同阶段,力图在保护东方土遗址的挑战中探索出一种“大明宫模式”。  过了自强东路,沿太华路向北,三站公交站的距离,基本上就是大明宫国家遗址公园南北