父亲的死,好多年于我是个谜。三中全会后的那几年,是我父亲一生中最舒心的日子。尽管是74岁的高龄了,但身子骨很硬朗,又不嗜烟酒,生活过得很有规律,还经常从事一些轻微劳动,因此显得精神矍铄。去世的那天,还有滋有味地吃了一顿晚饭,没有任何不适的迹象,怎么在半夜里就突然撒手人寰了? 父亲一生惟一的毛病就是脾气急躁。不知是不是遗传基因的作用,我也继承了这种秉性。“性急”就容易生气、发怒。前不久,儿子没征求我的意见居然擅自买了一辆摩托车,我亲眼见过几起摩托车肇事惨剧,于是大
My father’s death, for many years to me is a mystery. The few years after the Third Plenary Session were the most enjoyable days of my father’s life. Although 74-year-old, but the body is tough, not addicted to alcohol and tobacco, live a very regular life, but also often engaged in some minor work, so it is shy. On the day of his death, there was also a nutritious dinner, without any sign of discomfort, and suddenly how to lay hands in the middle of the night? The sole fault of his father’s life was his temper. I do not know is not the role of genes, I also inherited this nature. “Urgency” is easy to get angry and angry. Not long ago, my son did not seek my opinion actually bought a motorcycle without permission, I have seen several motorcycle tragedies, so large