新生儿骨折是一种常见的分娩并发症,多数因为在臀位,横位或剖宫产手术时操作手法不够仔细,技术不够熟练所致,我院1995~2000年,共有7例新生儿骨折,现报告如下: 1 临床资料 男4例,女3例,骨折部位:肱骨干中1/3处3例,2/3处4例。 2 诊断和治疗 新生儿不会说话,当抱起或换尿布时啼哭不停,检查局部有触痛、肿胀,骨摩擦音,患肢缩短,X线摄片可明确诊断。治疗,
Neonatal fracture is a common childbirth complications, most of them because of the breech, transverse or cesarean section operation is not careful enough technique, technology is not enough due to skilled, our hospital from 1995 to 2000, a total of seven cases of neonatal fracture , Are reported as follows: 1 Clinical data of 4 males and 3 females, fracture site: 1/3 in the humerus in 3 cases, 2/3 in 4 cases. 2 diagnosis and treatment of newborns do not speak, when picked up or diaper when kept crying, check the local tenderness, swelling, bone friction sound, limb shortening, X-ray can confirm the diagnosis. treatment,