患儿,女,4岁,因咳嗽、发热5天于2012年5月16日入住本院,查体:T39℃,P128min-1,R32min-1,BP90/60mmH g,呈热性面容,咽充血,双肺呼吸音粗糙,可闻及中细湿啰音及散在痰鸣音。血常规:WBC9.96×109/L,L82%,N10%。胸片示:双肺纹理粗多、增粗,可见斑片状模糊阴影沿肺纹理分布,心影不大,双膈正常,疑似:支气管肺炎。ECG:窦性心动过速,无ST-T改变。入院后诊断:支气管肺炎,给予5%葡萄糖100mL+炎琥宁80mg,1次/日静点,并给予止咳、祛痰、
Children, female, 4 years old, cough, fever for 5 days on May 16, 2012 admitted to our hospital, physical examination: T39 ℃, P128min-1, R32min-1, BP90 / 60mmH g, was hot face, Congestive, lungs rough breathing sounds, and can be heard in fine wet rales and scattered sputum sound. Blood: WBC9.96 × 109 / L, L82%, N10%. Chest X-ray showed: coarse lungs thick, thick, visible patchy shadow along the distribution of the shadow of the lungs, heart shadow, diaphragmatic normal, suspected: bronchial pneumonia. ECG: sinus tachycardia, no ST-T changes. After admission diagnosis: bronchial pneumonia, given 5% glucose 100ml + Yan Hu Ning 80mg, 1 times / day static point, and give cough, expectorant,