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我省剿匪治安工作,由于上级党政的正确领导,各级人民政府和各界人民的大力协助及我各地剿匪部队与公安部队密切配合,不避艰险,克服困难,正确执行了军、政结合,宽大与镇压相结合的剿匪方针,加之积极主动的进剿,已获得了很大胜利。综合二年来的战果共毙、伤、俘及向我投诚之匪众三○、四六六人,缴获各种炮○余门,长短枪及自动枪共一四,六七○枝,各种子弹七十余万发,并其他物资一部。截至目前为止,我省境内股匪已基本上全部被我剿灭,散匪亦大大减少,因而使社会秩序获得了进一步的安定,保证了人民生命财产的安全。对抗美援朝、土地改革、镇压反革命,及三反、五反等伟大的爱国运动与社会改革运动顺利的开展,起有一定作用,使我们人民民主政权获得进一步的巩固,这是我们二年来剿匪治安工作的基本收获。我们虽然取得了以上重大的胜利,给予美帝国主义和台湾蒋匪残余,企图在我西北地区组织反革命武装继续破坏人民民主专政的狂妄计划,以严重的打击,但我们的敌人并未因此而接受其教训或停止其反革命活动,反而更加疯狂的作垂死挣扎,不断的向我大陆各地派遣和空降特务,勾结地主恶霸组织叛乱,今年以来反革命分子乘我普遍进入三反、五反与陕南地区进行土改之际,加之美帝在朝鲜战场使用细菌武器,及个别地区处于 Since the correct leadership of the party and government at higher levels and the concerted efforts of the people’s governments at various levels and people of all walks of life as well as the close cooperation between our bandits and the public security forces throughout our province, we have correctly implemented the military and political systems without difficulties and difficulties and overcoming difficulties The combination of leniency and suppression combined with the suppression of bandits policy, combined with proactive suppression, has won a great victory. Combining the two years of war results in killing, wounding, prisoners and the bandits who voted for me, they seized a total of 300 or 466 people and seized a total of more than 60 guns, a total of 1,460 and a total of 1,670 guns and automatic guns, More than 70,000 rounds of bullets, and other supplies one. So far, all the bandits in our province have basically been exterminated by me and the bandits have also been greatly reduced. As a result, the social order has been further stabilized and the safety of people’s lives and property has been guaranteed. The smooth commencement of the Great Patriotic Movement and the Social Reform Movement against the U.S. aid and aid, land reform, repression of the counter-revolution, and the three reactionary and five-opposition campaigns have played a part in further consolidating our people’s democratic government. This is the first time in our two years of suppressing bandits The basic harvest of law and order. Despite these major victories, we have brought a serious blow to the arduous plans of the U.S. imperialists and the Chiang Kai-shek remnants in Taiwan in the attempt to organize the counterrevolutionary armies in northwest China to continue to undermine the democratic dictatorship of the people. However, our enemies did not accept this Its lessons or stop its counterrevolutionary activities, but more crazy for dying, continue to send and airborne spies throughout the continent, colluding with the landlord bully rebellion, this year, the anti-revolutionary elements by I generally entered the Three Anti, Five Anti and Southern Shaanxi The occasion of land reform, combined with the use of bacteriological weapons by the U.S. imperialists in the Korean battlefield and the fact that some areas are in
笔者酷爱收藏,在收藏的道路上跌爬滚打、含辛茹苦地走过了二十年。作为《收藏界》的忠实读者和作者,把《收藏界》杂志当作良师益友,相依相伴走过了十年。的确,在历史的长河里十年只是弹指一挥间的事,三千多个日日夜夜,有多少事要去做,又是多么的短暂,人生又有多少个十年啊?  常言说:“十年寒窗,在此一举。”指的是古时莘莘学子萤光雪案、铁砚磨穿,考取功名之日,而《收藏界》十年铸剑,也就是取得辉煌成就、硕果累累的
天时历来是作战胜利与否的要素之一。古往今来,作战双方无不竭力选择利于己而不利于敌的天时条件。可是你是否知道,在日本自卫队中就有这样一支专门观天测地的气象部队。 航
谁发动了军事革命? 曾任美国国防部副部长、部长的佩里早在1978年就宣称:“美国对敌方目标已经具备了三种能力:在战场上任何时候都能够发现任何高价值目标;目标一经发现,便
2012年3月17日-3月19日,由中国文博网、《文物鉴定与鉴赏》杂志主办的中国文博网第四届(杭州)网友会暨中国文博网论坛2011年工作总结表彰大会在杭州顺利召开。来自全国各地的60多位网友相聚杭州,交流学习,增进感情,共商中国文博网的发展大计。  本次网友会受到主办方领导高度重视,大会召开之前,安徽中洲投资公司董事长、中国计算机函授学院院长、《文物鉴定与鉴赏》杂志社长钱洲胜特地发来贺词,预祝网友
贾宝玉“如水”的精神气质所呈示的意味,既是贾宝玉这个艺术形象真正的美学价值所在,更是深受《老子》“上善若水”影响的曹雪芹创作《红楼梦》一书的精神卓超之处。 Jia Ba