提出旨在提高国产 2 0 0MW汽轮机同步器系统可控性的综合改进方案 ,主要包括 :改造同步器及调速系统的机械结构以改善机组升降负荷的平稳性、同步器控制电机由直流电机更改为步进电机以提高控制精度、增加同步器及调速系统故障检测与处理功能以提高系统的安全可靠性、采用自动间隙消除算法以提高系统响应的快速性。改造后的系统已成功地应用于国产 2 0 0MW单元机组汽轮机控制上并实现了机炉协调控制。
A comprehensive improvement plan is proposed to improve the controllability of the domestic 200 MW steam turbine synchronizer system. The main improvement measures are as follows: the mechanical structure of the synchronizer and the speed governing system is modified to improve the stability of the unit lifting load, the synchronizer control motor is changed by the direct current motor For the stepper motor to improve the control accuracy, increase synchronization and speed control system fault detection and processing functions to improve system safety and reliability, the use of automatic clearance cancellation algorithm to improve the rapid response of the system. The modified system has been successfully applied to the domestic 200MW unit turbine control and to achieve the machine-boiler coordinated control.