有关产痛发生机制至今尚未完全清楚。在非麻醉下扩张宫颈进行人工中断妊娠时,可引起从下腹部至腰部的强烈疼痛,上述事实支持第一产程产痛主要由宫颈张开所致。此外还与子宫下部的压迫扩张及子宫肌收缩有关。第二产程产痛主要源于胎儿对阴道和会阴部的压迫扩张。与产痛相联系的子宫感觉神经支配大致有二种意见:Lull 等主张宫体部感觉神经
The mechanism of labor pain has not yet been fully understood. In the non-narcotic dilatation of the cervix for artificial interruption of pregnancy, can cause intense pain from the lower abdomen to the waist, the fact that support for the first stage of labor pain mainly caused by the open cervix. In addition, the lower part of the uterus with the expansion of compression and uterine muscle contraction. The second stage of labor pain mainly from the fetus on the vagina and perineum oppression and expansion. Uterine sensory innervation associated with labor pain generally has two kinds of views: Lull and other advocates Palace somatosensory nerve