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吉章简,1901年11月出生在三亚市官旺乡冲坡村一个望族家庭。祖父大申是清代榆亚地区屈指可数的岁贡,父亲岳华是优贡,曾任惠来、英德儒学。吉章简从小受黎民将领符南蛇发动起义的事迹影响,立志盘马弯弓,1924年投考广东警卫军讲武堂。不久随讲武堂并入黄埔军校第二期,读工科,与郑介民是同学。在校期间,参加第一次东征及回师讨伐杨(希闵)、刘(震寰)各战役,毕业后派往第1师工兵连当见习官,第二次东征攻下惠州城后,调潮州分校任中尉区队长,旋调第25师59团上尉连长。 Ji Zhang Jian, born in November 1901 in Sanya Wang Township Kampo village a family clan. Grandfather Grandpa was one of the earliest tributes in the Yuya region of the Qing Dynasty. His father, Yue Hua, was an excellent tribute. He used to be Hui Lai and Anglo-German Confucianism. Ji Zhang Jane childhood by the Lebanese general Fu Nan snake launched the story of the insurrection, determined to bow and bend, in 1924 voted Guangdong Guards Army Wu Tutu. Soon as with the Wudang Huangpu Military Academy into the second phase, engineering, and Zheng Jiewen is a classmate. During the school, he participated in the first expedition and returned to crusade against Yang (Xi Min) and Liu (Zhen Huan). After graduation, After the tune Chaozhou branch captain lieutenant, rotary tune 25th Division 59 regiment captain commander.