深入贯彻落实富国与强军两大基石的战略方针 全面推进西南战区国防动员建设又好又快发展——在成都军区国防动员委员会第五次全体会议上的讲话(摘要)

来源 :西南民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lovashan
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三年以来,在大事难事多、应急处突任务重、各种挑战和考验十分严峻的情况下,西南五省(市、区)党政军民坚持用党的三代领导核心和胡锦涛总书记重要论述统一思想和行动,贯彻落实国家同动委第六次和成都军区国动委第四次全体会议的部署要求,主动作为,扎实工作,锐意进取,战区国防动员建设不断创新发展。各级党委政府对国防动员建设更加重视,党管武装更加有力,各项工作更加扎实,国防动员平时服务、急时应急、战时应战能力显著增强,在西部大开发和地方“五位一体”建设中发挥了重要作用,为西南边防巩同、社会稳定、军队建设做出了重要贡献。特别是在2008年以来遂行的几场重大任务中,各级党政领导干部和 Over the past three years, the party, military and government forces in the five southwestern provinces (cities and districts) persist in using the important leadership of the party’s three generations of leaders and general secretary Hu Jintao under the circumstances that major events are overcrowded, emergency tasks are on the heels of sudden promises, and various challenges and tests are severe. Unify thoughts and actions, implement the requirements of the sixth session of the State Commission for Co-operation and the fourth plenary session of the CMC of the Chengdu Military Region, act initiatively, do solid work and forge ahead with determination, and constantly innovate and develop the national defense mobilization building in theater. Party committees and governments at all levels paid more attention to the mobilization and construction of national defense, the armed forces under the party control have become more powerful, the work under various conditions has become more solid, the national defense mobilization has served in a normal manner, the emergency has been accelerated, and the capability for fighting wars has been significantly enhanced. "Has played an important role in the construction of the border area for the southwest border, social stability, army building has made an important contribution. In particular, among the major tasks carried out since 2008, the party and government leaders and cadres at all levels and all levels have made outstanding achievements
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一、过去三年的国防动员建设 (一)组织领导坚强有力。一是党委总揽抓大事。始终把国防动员建设列入党委工作计划,摆上重要议事日程,解决大事要事难事。二是政府主抓解难题。
今天是圣诞节,我如愿收到一大帮子朋友对我的祝福和送给我的礼物。蚊子“惊天地、泣鬼神”的感谢祝福兼赞美的诗篇,都快把我的手机给轰炸坏啦。 Today is Christmas. I hope
“6月份我国制造业PMI回落也有一定的季节性因素”  2013年6月,国家统计局服务业调查中心、中国物流与采购联合会发布的中国制造业PMI为50.1%,比上月回落0.7个百分点,抵近荣枯线。表明我国制造业仍保持增长态势,但增速可能继续回落。  2013年6月,构成制造业PMI的5个分类指数普遍回落:  生产指数为52.0%,比上月回落1.3个百分点。  新订单指数为50.4%,比上月回落1.4个百