老年人饮食,除了要选择适宜老年人的食谱外,还应注意进食的科学性。在进食时,切莫忽视以下“四度”: 速度 古代医书《医说》中有云:“食不欲急,急则损脾,法当熟嚼令细。”进食时,食物通过咀嚼肌和牙齿的协同作用,被机械地割裂成小团块,
Elderly diet, in addition to select the appropriate diet for the elderly, but also pay attention to the scientific nature of eating. When eating, do not ignore the following “four degrees”: the speed of the ancient medical book “Medical” in the cloud: “food do not want to rush, anxious loss of the spleen, France when cooked to make fine.” Food, the food through the masticatory muscles And the synergy of teeth, was mechanically split into small clumps,