不正当竞争 ,是指经营者违反法律规定 ,损害其他经营者的合法权益 ,扰乱社会经济秩序的行为。不正当竞争行为有广义和狭义之分。广义的不正当竞争行为指一切损害竞争机制有效发挥作用的行为 ,包括下列三类行为 :1.垄断或图谋垄断 ;2 .限制竞争行为 ;3.不正当竞争方法。垄断一般
Unfair competition refers to the act of violating laws and regulations, damaging the legitimate rights and interests of other operators and disrupting the social and economic order. Unfair competition has a broad sense and a narrow sense. The broad definition of unfair competition refers to all actions that undermine the effective functioning of the competition mechanism, including the following three types of behaviors: 1. Monopoly or attempt to monopolize; 2. Restrictions on competition; 3. Unfair competition methods. Monopoly in general