公杂费、差旅费、特支费、医疗费、水电费和车辆维修费等经费易超难管,长期被人们视为“控不住、限不了、堵不死”的超支经费。有的人片面认为几项偏紧经费供应标准偏低,不增加经费供应标准或不动用“家底”,再高明的手段都难以做到不超支;管理部门的同志也存在着不便管、不好管、管不了的畏难情绪,导致“偏紧经费”开支呈上升趋势,“家底”日渐减少,严重影响单位建设和正常工作。 为切实把超支现象扭转,近年来,四川遂宁军分区对症下药,动真格,出实招,根据经费科目分别采取了不同的措施。一是部门大包干。年初,军分区结合经费供应标准和年度工作任务,把各项经费分配
Miscellaneous miscellaneous expenses, travel expenses, special expenses, medical expenses, utilities and vehicle maintenance costs easily super hard to manage, has long been regarded as “uncontrollable, can not limit, plug immortal” overruns. One-sidedly, some people think that the supply standard of some tight funds is low, and it is hard not to be able to exceed the standard of providing no funds or using the “family background” without using any wise means. The comrades in the management departments also have inconvenient management and bad management As a result, the spending on “over-tightening funds” has been on the rise. The number of “family members” has been declining, seriously affecting the construction of units and their normal work. In order to effectively reverse the over-spending phenomenon, in recent years, the Suining Military District of Sichuan Province has taken the right remedy, taken the real measures and taken concrete measures. Different measures have been taken according to the funding subjects. First, the department big package dry. At the beginning of the year, the military sub-district allocated various funds in accordance with the funding standards and the annual work tasks