
来源 :中国激光 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:colinvin
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一 引言 激光表面合金化是一种局部表面变质处理的新方法,用真空蒸镀、电镀、涂敷粉末或薄膜在金属材料的工件表面上,然后用激光束把其表面熔化并控制在要求的深度,使表面产生厚度为10~1000μm的熔化层,合金元素将扩散进入工件表面的液态薄层,在凝固时熔化层获得的冷却速度可达10~4~10~6℃/s,相当于急冷淬火技术所能达到的冷却速度,故在短时间(一般为0.1~10s)内就可以就地生成一层所希望的一定深度的新的合金层,这种合金层与基体之间的结合力很强,属于冶金结合。 本文用高功率CO_2激光束对60号钢进行了表面C-N-B合金化,并对合金层进行了显微组织观察和X射线物相分析。 I. INTRODUCTION Laser surface alloying is a new method of local surface modification by vacuum evaporation, electroplating, powder coating or film coating on the surface of a metal workpiece and then laser beam melting and controlling the surface Depth, the surface of the melt layer thickness of 10 ~ 1000μm, alloying elements will diffuse into the liquid surface of the workpiece thin layer, the solidification of the melt layer obtained cooling rate of up to 10 ~ 4 ~ 10 ~ 6 ℃ / s, which is equivalent to Quench quenching technology can achieve the cooling rate, so in a short period of time (usually 0.1 ~ 10s) can be generated in situ on the ground a certain depth of the new alloy layer, the bond between the alloy layer and the substrate Strong, belongs to the metallurgical combination. In this paper, high-power CO_2 laser beam on the 60 steel surface C-N-B alloying, and the alloy layer microstructure observation and X-ray phase analysis.
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