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油菜是十字花科的双子叶植物,需硼量较水稻等单子叶植物以及其他双子叶植物为高,常因缺硼而产生生理性机能病害,达不到理想的产量。油菜缺硼的典型症状是;根系发育不良,根的尖端生长慢,新根少;植株颜色淡绿,下部叶片的叶缘和脉间呈紫红色斑块,渐变为黄褐色而枯萎;枝条生长缓慢,节间缩短,甚至主茎萎缩,生长点死亡;茎和叶柄开裂,茎髓部变褐色,木 Brassica oleracea is a dicotyledonous cruciferous plant. Its boron content is higher than monocotyledonous plants such as rice and other dicotyledonous plants. Physiological and functional diseases are often caused by lack of boron, which can not achieve the desired yield. The typical symptoms of lack of boron in rape are root dysplasia, slow root growth and few new roots; plant color is light green; the leaf margin and vein of the lower leaves are purple-red patches, gradually changing to yellow-brown and withered; Slow, internodes shortened, and even the main stem atrophy, the growth point of death; stem and petiole cracking, stem brown, wood
【中图分类号】G635.1【文献标识码】A【文章编号】2095-3089(2012)03-0111-01  关于班级管理,许多优秀班主任有过成功的管理经验与办法。笔者在汲取他人教育思想和管理模式的基础上,进行了十多年班主任工作的实践和探索,积累了一些体会。我认为接手一个新班级,能否在短期内尽快理顺关系,成功带班,很重要的方面就是要摸清班情、对症下药;管理中宽严适度、刚柔相济以及合理示弱、激发责任感