她把马尔克斯和略萨带到全世界,一手缔造了拉美文学在国际上的地位。9月21日,著名文学版权代理人卡门·巴尔塞斯(Carmen Balcells)在巴萨罗那因心脏病发作去世,享年85岁。在西班牙语文学世界,巴尔塞斯扮演了“大管家”的角色,代理过6位诺贝尔文学奖得主的作品,经营和照管了整整一代拉美作家走向世界,一手缔造了拉美文学的国际声望。西班牙语文学世界那些熠熠生辉的名字,加西亚·马尔克
She brought Marquez and Llosa all over the world and created the international status of Latin American literature. On September 21, the famous literary copyright agent Carmen Balcells died of a heart attack in Barcelona, at the age of 85. In the world of Spanish literature, Balseseis played the role of “stewardship”, acting as a solicitor of six Nobel Prize winners, operating and managing an entire generation of Latin American writers to the world and creating the Latin American literature internationally prestige. Those sparkling names in the Spanish literature world, Garcia Mark