In May 2003, the vast land of China experienced a catastrophic catastrophe. “SARS” hit people like a devil. This unprecedented catastrophe was a challenge to the Chinese nation and a challenge to the fate of mankind. So China launched a “anti-SARS” people's war. At this very moment, CCTV broadcast “Anti-Africa” “Love Fire Action”. The singer who inspired the song of national will is Dong Lijuan, a young singer at the Liaoning People's Art Theater. If people do not forget the terrible days, they will certainly think of what kind of egoism should be able to come forward to the studio and several of their colleagues to do such a job on that special day. It is with this spirit and the sincere pursuit of art and the responsibility of the son of Huaxia that Dong Tuanjuan, a young man, is calm and calm. The participants in making “Caring for Love”