Exploring micropolar effects in thin film lubrication

来源 :Science in China(Series G:Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caonimalegebicaonima
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The micropolar theory for fluids is adopted to probe the effect of the microstructure and microrotation on lubrication features in thin film lubrication. Micro-polarity will give rise to an increase in the equivalent viscosity that subsequently leads to a better lubrication. The effective viscosity grown with micro polarity is very close to that of experiment in a preceding work. The micropolar theory for fluids is adopted to probe the effect of the microstructure and microrotation on lubrication features in thin film lubrication. Micro-polarity will give rise to an increase in the equivalent viscosity that subsequently leads to a better lubrication. micro polarity is very close to that of experiment in a preceding work.
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