
来源 :中国专利与商标 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:loopdd
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一、引言北京市高级人民法院作出(2012)高行终字第833号行政判决书(下称833号判决),因专利权人在无效宣告请求审查程序中对于马库什权利要求的修改未被接受而认为专利复审委员会(下称复审委)第16266号决定中认定的审查基础存在问题。该判决认为,对于马库什化合物权利要求,其中取代基定义中并列选择项的删除属于并列技术方案的删除,应当允许。833号判决对于确权阶段马库什权利要求修改的认定余波未平,北京市高级人民法院随之作出高行终字第2046号行政判决书(下称2046号判决),在未开庭的情况下维持北京市 I. INTRODUCTION Beijing Higher People’s Court (2012) Gao Xing Zhong Zi No. 833 Administrative Judgment (Decision No. 833) was amended by the patentee’s amendment to Markush’s claim in the invalidation request review process Accepted and considered the Patent Reexamination Board (hereinafter referred to as Reexamination Committee) 16266 found in the examination of the existence of problems. The judgment held that for the Markush compound claim, the deletion of juxtaposed alternatives in the definition of substituents is a deletion of juxtapositional technical solutions and should be allowed. Decision No. 833 made the judgment that Markush amended the claim of the right to claim the end of the Confirmation Phase, and the Higher People’s Court of Beijing subsequently issued Gao Xing Zhong Zi Administrative Decree No. 2046 (hereinafter referred to as No. 2046), and in the absence of hearing Maintain Beijing
我最崇拜的一个人,是我的表哥,(崇拜表哥,是因为他“有才”。)他今年只有十二岁。虽然我和表哥同龄,但他却比我“有才”。  记得有一次,我在他家里不小心把一个白花瓶(突发事件,最能考验一个人的智慧。)给打碎了,这可是他家里人眼中的一个宝贝。就在我万分着急的时候,表哥马上拿出胶水,(行动力很强。)一点一点把碎了的瓷片粘在一起。看他头也不抬地忙着,我说道:“虽然花瓶修好了,但上面还是有一些痕迹,你家里人