《折狱龟签》记载了这样一件狱案:有一个在外行商的人一天从外面回到家里,看见自己的妻子被人杀害了,而且只有尸体,没有头颅。他既悲愤又觉得可怕,急忙跑到岳父家中去报信。岳父怀疑女婿捣鬼,揪住他送往府衙门。太守升堂审问,见商人不承认杀人,就动刑拷打,商人吃不住严刑,供认是自己杀妻。如此,狱案具成,定为死罪。 太守衙门内,唯独有一个从事官对这起案件产生了怀疑。他想凶手杀了人又取其头,事出蹊跷。他请求太守把这件案子交给他彻底追查一下。太守准许了
The Prisoner tortoise sign records a prison case in which an outsider returned home from the outside one day and saw his wife killed and only the body without a skull. He was both grieved and terrible, hurried to his father’s home to declare. Father suspected daughter-in-law mischief, grabbed him to the government Yamen. Askew ascend to interrogate, see the merchant does not admit killing, torture to death, the merchant can not afford to be severely punished, confession is his own wife. So, prison case into, as a death penalty. The prefect Yamen, the only one officer in the case of doubt. He wanted the murderer to kill someone and take the lead, something strange. He asked the governor to give him this case to thoroughly investigate it. God allowed