左炔诺孕酮宫内缓释系统(1evonorgestrel intrauterine system,LNG-IUS;曼月乐,Mirena)是一种新型长效避孕药具,为目前惟一可在宫腔内局部形成高孕激素水平的避孕方法,具有减少女性月经量、缓解痛经症状等作用。目前临床LNG-IUS的使用率呈逐年上升趋势[1]。本研究通过对本院LNG-IUS的使用情况及受试者满意度调查,旨在了解LNG-IUS的使用现状。现将研究结果,报道如下。1对象与方法
Levonorgestrel intrauterine system (1evonorgestrel intrauterine system, Mirena, Mirena) is a new long-acting contraceptives, is currently the only part of the uterine cavity in the formation of high progesterone levels Contraceptive methods, with the reduction of menstrual flow, relieve dysmenorrhea symptoms and so on. At present the clinical use of LNG-IUS showed a rising trend year by year [1]. This study, through the use of our hospital LNG-IUS and subject satisfaction survey, aimed to understand the status of the use of LNG-IUS. The research results are reported below. 1 objects and methods