HCV RNA was detected by nested PCR, and the re-infection and primary infection of HCV were compared. Nine patients were initially infected with HCV, nine with clinical hepatitis and one with subclinical type. The first transfusion of AI / T was 15-60 days (mean, 37.9 ± 13.9) HCV-RNA positive for more than one year were 10/10 and 7 / 10.5 cases of re-infected patients, 4 cases of clinical hepatitis, 1 case of subclinical type, ALT increased for the first time from the transfusion time of 30 to 46 days (mean 34.8 ± 6.h), anti-HCV and HCV RNA positive for more than 1 year were 5/5 and 3/5 respectively. The results show that, HCV re-infection and primary infection in clinical manifestations, ALT abnormalities. There was no significant difference in the anti-HCV and HCV RNA positive durations, which suggested that the immunity induced by HCV infection was poor, and then the infection could still occur.