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发展养蜂的主要障碍因素之一是蜜蜂的病害和敌害。因此,加强蜜蜂病、敌害的防治,是确保养蜂业健康发展的重要措施。为了有效地防治蜜蜂病害,了解蜜蜂病害的发生和流行规律是非常必要的。本文就对蜜蜂病害的流行规律作一初步探讨,以供参考。一、蜜蜂病害流行的条件在正常情况下,蜜蜂的各种器官能够互相协调,以适应不断变化的外界条件。当病原物侵入蜂体内时,蜜蜂可以调动各种因素来同病原物作斗争,消灭或排除病原物,维持蜂体各种机能的正常活动。但是,在外界条件变化太大时,有害因素的作用超出蜜蜂正常机能适应的范围时,就会引起蜜蜂机体的不正常变化,而表现出种种异常的现象,即通常所说的蜂病。但蜜蜂病害流行过程的发生,必须具有三个基本条件:病原物、传播途径和蜜蜂 One of the major obstacles to the development of beekeeping is the disease and predation of bees. Therefore, to strengthen the prevention and treatment of bee diseases and predators is an important measure to ensure the healthy development of beekeeping industry. In order to effectively prevent and cure bee diseases, it is necessary to understand the occurrence and prevalence of bee diseases. In this paper, a preliminary study of the prevalence of bee disease for reference. First, the prevalence of bee disease conditions Under normal circumstances, bees of various organs can coordinate with each other to adapt to changing external conditions. When pathogens invade the bees, the bees can mobilize various factors to combat the pathogens, destroy or eliminate the pathogens, and maintain the normal activities of various functions of the bees. However, when the external conditions change too much and the harmful factors play a role beyond the normal function of the bees, they will cause the abnormal changes of the bees’ bodies while displaying various abnormal phenomena, commonly known as bee diseases. However, the occurrence of bee disease epidemic must have three basic conditions: pathogens, routes of transmission and bees
FR2880541-A1作为食品植物疗法(food phytotherapy)中的一种补充成分,组方由以下植物的提取物组成:茶子(blackcarrant)果实、金虎尾(acerola)、人参、巴西可可(guarana)、
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本文为板栗(Castanea mollissima Blume)黄化机制研究的铁、钙之间关系部分。土壤CaCO_3含量大于2.00%的三个处理,栗株均呈黄化症。黄化株叶和根的全钙量较正常株明显增加,尤
胡麻枯萎病病原菌为Fusarium lini Bolley,属半知菌类,丛梗孢目,瘤座菌科。忻州地区1983年大田见胡麻枯萎病株,1984年零星发生,1985年在神池、五寨、岢岚等县经抽样调查发病