今年5月7日至11日,在马来西亚首都吉隆坡举办了关于南海溢油漂移模式学习班。该学习班系由东盟石油委员会、亚洲近岸海域矿产资源联合勘探协调委员会及下设的挪威海洋环境协调委员会(ASCOP/CCOP/NECOR)共同赞助,委托马来西亚国家石油培训中心组织举办的。参加学习班的25名学员,分别来自东南亚地区的菲律宾、越南、泰国、新加坡、马来西亚印度尼西亚和中国。挪威国家气象研究院的Jan.N Longfeldt博士任学习班导师;其助手Paal.EveNseN先生为讲师;泰国Chulalongkorn大学的Mahunnop Bunpapong先生任辅导员。
From July 7 to 11 this year, a seminar on the South China Sea oil spill drift mode was held in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia. The course was co-sponsored by the ASEAN Petroleum Commission, the Joint Exploratory Coordination Committee for Mineral Resources of the Near Seas in Asia and the Norwegian Coordinating Committee for Marine Environment (ASCOP / CCOP / NECOR), and was commissioned by the Malaysian National Petroleum Training Center. Twenty-five participants attended the classes from the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and China in Southeast Asia. Jan. N Longfeldt, Ph.D., National Institute of Meteorology, Norway, served as mentor for his class; his assistant, Mr. Paal.EveNseN, as lecturer; and Mr. Mahunnop Bunpapong, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand as a facilitator.