在12世纪末叶,蒙古族建立了一支强大的军队,他们历经半个多世纪的浴血奋战,终于把版图从亚洲扩展到欧洲。成吉思汗死后,庞大的帝国分成四个大汗国, 由不同的首领统治,长孙忽必烈掌管东方的汗国,迁都燕京,定名“大都”,并以大都为中心,开辟了发达的水陆交通网。从此,大都城不仅作为统一的多民族国家的政治、文化中心而驰名于世,而且还成为了闻名中外的商业大都会。
At the end of the 12th century, Mongolians established a mighty army. After more than half a century of bloody fighting, they finally expanded their territory from Asia to Europe. After Genghis Khan’s death, the huge empire was divided into four big khanas and ruled by different leaders. Kublai Khan, the eldest son of Sun Yat-sen in charge of the Khanate of the East, relocated the capital to Yanjing and named it “the capital,” with the majority as the center, opening up the developed land and sea Traffic network. Since then, the capital city has become famous not only as the political and cultural center of a unified multi-ethnic country, but also as a cosmopolitan city renowned both at home and abroad.