落实“三转”要求 回归监督主业——2014年全国工商系统纪检监察工作会议侧记

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7月16日—17日,全国工商系统纪检监察工作会议在河南省郑州市召开。中纪委驻总局纪检组组长何昕出席会议并讲话。会议强调了落实好中央纪委转职能、转方式、转作风的部署,明确了履行监督尽责的要求和下一步的工作思路。各省区市、计划单列市、副省级市工商局、市场监督管理局纪检组长(纪委书记)、反腐倡廉建设工作联系点单位负责人等120余人到会。16日下午,与会人员参观了焦裕禄纪念馆,共同感受了焦裕禄与老百姓心相连情相依的公仆情怀和敢叫日月换新天的奋斗精神。 July 16 -17 days, the national business system discipline inspection and supervision meeting held in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. He Xin, head of Discipline Inspection Commission of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection in the General Office attended the meeting and made a speech. The meeting emphasized the implementation of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection Commission to transfer functions, turn the way, the style of work of the deployment, clearly supervise the fulfillment of duties and the next work train of thought. More than 120 people from provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities and counties under separate planning, industrial and commercial bureaus of sub-provincial cities, discipline inspection leaders (secretary of Commission for Discipline Inspection) of the Market Supervision and Administration Commission, and person-in-charge of contact points for anti-corruption work were all present at the meeting. On the afternoon of the 16th, the participants visited the Jiao Memorial Museum and shared the feelings of public servant Jiao Yulu with the common people’s heart and the spirit of daring to call the sun and the moon for a new day.
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