我是1992年大学毕业走上工作岗位后才正式接触《机械工人》的,刚一接触,竟然就有一见如故的感觉。自此以后,《机械工人》就成了我工作和生活中的良师益友,我与《机械工人》也因此结下了不解之缘。 《机械工人》最大的特点是实用性强,内容系统、生动,许多文章具有极高的应用价值和收藏价值,并且插图有序、选材好、起点适当,能够真正满足广大读者的需求。特别是1999年改版扩容后,更加顺应了时代发展的潮流,大大提高了刊物的形象和知名度,吸引了众多数量和层次的读者。譬
I graduated from college in 1992 to formally come into contact with the “mechanized workers”, just a touch, even have a seemingly feeling. Since then, the “mechanic” has become a mentor and friend in my work and life. As a result, I became attached to the “mechanic”. The most important feature of “mechanic” is its practicality, content system and vividness. Many articles have extremely high application value and collectible value. They are well illustrated, well selected, and have suitable starting points to truly meet the needs of readers. In particular, after the revision and expansion in 1999, it further complied with the trend of the times and greatly enhanced the image and popularity of the publications and attracted readers of numerous numbers and levels. analogy