从古代诗文或现代诗文中,我们经常会读到或看到诗文的题目常用“无题”作标题,从诗文的表面看似乎没有标题,其实不然,诗的思想意义却更深刻,更发人深省。 “无题”,即无所命题,待要申诉而又难于明言,故以“无题”寄意。有的诗人作诗别有寄托,或者对内容有所忌讳,不愿意将诗人的主旨明白显示在题目上,所以,就用“无题”作为诗的篇名,后来人们就把这类诗叫作“无题”诗。古人张采田曾说“无题诗格,
From the ancient poetry or modern poetry, we often read or see the title of poetry often use “Untitled” as the title, from the surface of poetry seems to have no title, it is not true, the poet’s ideological significance is even more profound, More thought-provoking. “Untitled”, that is, no proposition, to be appealed but difficult to make it clear, so “Untitled” message. Some poets do not have a poetic poem, or taboo content, do not want to clearly show the subject of the poet’s theme, therefore, the use of “Untitled” as the title of poetry, and later people put these poems as “Untitled” poetry. The ancients Zhang Tian said "Untitled poetry,