
来源 :洛阳考古 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lxkef
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2009年初,我院在孟津东山头发掘了一座早年被盗的唐墓,出土有墓志一合,墓主为衡怿夫妇,该墓纪年明确,志文内容丰富,对衡氏家族世系研究及唐史研究都具有重要意义。 In early 2009, our hospital unearthed a tombs of early Tang Dynasty unearthed in the east of Mengjin. There was unearthed ancestral records, the tomb was a couple of husband and wife, the annals of the tomb were clear, the contents of the essay were rich, Research is of great importance.