蒲×男18岁甘肃省通渭人于1985年7月10日入院住院号115057 患者1岁时,面部出现黄褐色斑,以后逐渐增多,继之全身皮肤出现散在色素斑点,尤以脚面、颈部等暴露处为甚。14岁时,左眼反右鼻根部皮肤同时生长疣状赘生物,大如杏核,小似黄豆。右侧鼻根部之肿块奇痒,抓破后形成溃疡,并且逐日渐增大、加深。两年后,溃疡波及整个鼻背及右眼上、下睑皮肤、表面流黄水,并有血痂。左眼肿物长到
Pu × male 18 years old Weisong people in Gansu Province, July 10, 1985 hospitalization 115057 1-year-old patients, the facial yellowish brown spots, and then gradually increased, followed by scattered pigment spots appear on the whole body skin, especially in the foot, neck Department of exposure is even worse. At the age of 14, left eye anti-right nasal root skin at the same time the growth of verrucous neoplasms, as large as almonds, resembling soybeans. The right nasal root mass of the itchy, after scratching the formation of ulcers, and gradually increased, deepened. Two years later, the ulcer spreads over the entire back of the nose and the upper and lower eyelids, with yellowish water on the surface and blood scabs. Left eye tumor grows to