
来源 :中国地方病学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Helilujah
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甘肃地方病防治工作在50年代至60年代,主要靠卫生部门组织力量抢救治疗克山病病人,调查鼠疫疫源地和扑灭人,鼠间鼠疫疫情。对地甲病、大骨节病和布病仅作了重疫(病)区调查和防治试点工作。70年代成立省、地、县党委地方病防治领导小组,组织有关部门对地甲病、布病、鼠疫、地方性氟中毒等进行综合防治。特别是党的十一届三中全会以后,省地方病防治领导小组办公室较好地发挥了参谋助手作用,提高组织管理工作水平,实施目标管理。一是在调查研究,客观分析情况的基础上,及时向领导小组提出决策的建议,制定宏观规划和阶段实施方案。二是按照领导小组的决定,组织协调各有关部门和地、县地方病防治办公室逐项落实防治措施。三是进行督促检查,分类指导,加强薄弱环节。四是重视质量控制,严格考核验收。既定目标按期实现后,新的目标又在前面,组织管理工作在新的更高层次水平上循环运行。 Gansu endemic disease prevention and control work in the 50’s to 60’s, mainly by the health sector organizations and organizations to rescue and treat Keshan disease patients, plague foci and quarantine plague epidemic. On the ground disease, Kashin-Beck disease and brucellosis only made a survey of disease and disease prevention and control work. In the 1970s, the leading group for prevention and treatment of endemic diseases in provincial, prefectural and county Party committees was set up and the departments concerned were organized to comprehensively prevent and treat Adenocarcinoma, brucellosis, plague and endemic fluorosis. Especially since the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the office of the leading group for endemic diseases prevention and treatment in the province has played a good role as a staff assistant, raising the level of organization and management work and implementing the goal management. First, on the basis of investigation and analysis and objective analysis, the Group made recommendations to the leading group in a timely manner to make decisions on macroeconomic planning and stage implementation. Second, in accordance with the decision of the leading group, organize and coordinate all relevant departments and the prefectural and county endemic disease prevention and control offices to implement prevention and control measures item by item. Third, carry out supervision and inspection, classified guidance, and strengthen the weak links. Fourth, attention to quality control, strict examination and acceptance. After the set goals are fulfilled on schedule, the new goals are on the front and organizational management work on a new, higher level.
为反映全国碘缺乏病防治动态,现将碘缺乏病监测方面的部分来稿摘要发表,以利相互借鉴和综合分析。病情监测五年来结果分析1983年吉林省地甲病防治工作已达到国家控制 To re
保时捷对于强劲动力的追求是永无止境的,之前发布的918 Spyder概念车已让外界如痴如醉,而日前发布的911 GT2 RS同样也令人热血沸腾!保时捷911 GT2 RS的车身广泛应用了碳纤维
一家庭误将外用药醋酸铅一袋(约40g),当味精食用,当用完竟未发觉,致使一家四口在20多天内先后中毒发病。 1 临床资料 4例均有轻重不同恶心、呕吐、食欲不振、口中异味感、头