以石油“七姊妹”为代表的国际大石油公司从本世纪20年代开始,曾垄断世界石油工业近50年之久。尽管70年代以来发展中国家的石油国有化浪潮摧毁了其垄断体系,但它们一直是世界石油工业中的一支重要力量。80年代中期以来,随着经济全球化进程的加快和发展中国家纷纷实施对外开放政策,国际大石油公司得以重返发展中产油国,获得了新的增长空间。尤其是去年以来国际大石油公司之间的一系列巨型合并事件,更是备受世人关注。已经产生和正在产生的英国石油—阿莫科公司(B P
International oil companies represented by the “Seven Sisters” of petroleum have monopolized the world petroleum industry for nearly 50 years since the 1920s. Although the tide of nationalization of oil in the developing countries since the 1970s destroyed their monopoly system, they have been an important force in the world oil industry. Since the mid-1980s, with the acceleration of economic globalization and the opening up of developing countries in succession, the international oil companies have been able to return to developing oil-producing countries and gain new room for growth. In particular, a series of mega merger events between the major international oil companies since last year have attracted much public attention. Has been generated and is being produced British oil - Amoco (B P