In March 2003 the European Commission set in train a review of the block exemption granted to liner conferences under Council Regulation This exemption,whichallowedlinestodiscussandsetseafreight ratescollectively, waspredicated on certainconditions:that there should beeconomicbenefit; that this benefit should be shared fairly betweenthe linesandtheir customers; that the operation of conferences was indeed indispensable for liner se rvic es; an d th at conferencesdidnotreduce effective competition. Since then, the two main protagonistsinthisdebate, the European Shippers? Council (ESC) and the European Liner Affairs Association (ELAA), havebeenmarshallingand presentingtheirarguments andevidence; in thecase oftheformer, to pressfor the removal of the block exemption and for ab ol iti on o f l in er conferences in the European trade; in the case of the latterfor their preservation.
In March 2003 the European Commission set in train a review of the block exemption granted to liner conferences under Council Regulation This exemption, whichallowedlinestodiscussandsetseafreightcollectioncollectively, waspredicatedonconditions: that there should be beconomicbenefit; that this benefit should be shared fairly betweenthe linesandtheir customers; that the since then, the two main protagonistsinthisdebate, the European Shippers? Council (ESC) and the European Liner Affairs Association (ELAA), havebeenmarshallingand presentingtheirarguments andevidence; in thecase oftheformer, to press for the removal of the block exemption and for ab oliith on ofl in er conferences in the European trade; in the case of the latter for their preservation.