缺铁性贫血是当前全世界主要营养缺乏病之一,尤其常见于儿童期。我国儿童贫血患病率约为37.9%,各地区差异较大。该病发生的主要原因是膳食铁的生物利用率低。因而应加强患儿膳食指导,正确搭配膳食,提高膳食铁的利用率,以达到防治本病的目的。膳食要求: 1.平衡膳食:要求膳食能全面地提供各种比例合适的营养素,使其互相配合。 2.食物选择: (1)动物性含铁食品:应首先选用心、肝、肾等内脏及血这类铁吸收率高(达25%)的食品。
Iron deficiency anemia is one of the major nutritional deficiencies in the world today, especially in childhood. The prevalence of anemia in children is about 37.9% in our country, with a big difference in all regions. The main reason for the disease is the low bioavailability of dietary iron. Therefore, children should be strengthened dietary guidance, with the correct diet, improve the utilization of dietary iron in order to achieve the purpose of prevention and treatment of the disease. Dietary requirements: 1. Balanced diet: The diet is required to provide a full range of nutrients in suitable proportions to complement each other. 2. Food choices: (1) animal iron foods: should first select heart, liver, kidney and other internal organs and blood such iron absorption rate (up to 25%) of the food.