新疆維吾爾自治區是一塊浩瀚無比的旅遊寶地。這個中國最大的省區,面積160萬平方公里,佔全國國土面積的六分之一。在這遼闊地域上,地貌差異極大,形成多變的自然景觀;13個主要民族的分佈也同這地理條件密切相關,民族風情異彩紛呈。歷史上的「絲綢之路」分三路(註)通過新疆,留下無數引人入勝的古蹟、文物和傳奇故事。 這樣浩瀚的地域和豐富多采的旅
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is a vast expanse of tourist treasure. The largest province in China, with an area of 1.6 million square kilometers, occupies one sixth of the country’s total land area. In this vast area, there are great differences between the topography and the changing natural landscape. The distribution of the 13 major ethnic groups is also closely related to this geographical condition, and the national customs are colorful and colorful. The historical “Silk Road” is divided into three routes (Note) through Xinjiang, leaving numerous fascinating monuments, artifacts and legendary stories. This vast area and rich and varied brigade