“诸葛一生唯谨慎,吕端大事不糊涂。”站在重大的历史关口,叶剑英总能明断是非,果敢抉择:他力排众难,助邓小平东山再起;他乘专机搭救胡耀邦,举荐其再“入阁”;为完成“两弹一星”伟业,他三邀张爱萍出山。“中国可以没有我叶剑英,不可以没有小平同志”1969年1 2月,因“战备疏散”到了湖南的叶剑英,向前来探望的王震了解因同样原因到江西的邓小平的生活状况,并说:“中国可以没有
”Standing at a major historical juncture, Ye Jianying can always be right and wrong, bold choice: his strength to make it difficult for all to help Deng Xiaoping comeback; he took the special plane rescue Hu Yaobang, recommend it again “Into the Court ”; In order to complete “two bombs and one satellite” Albert, he invited Zhang Aiping out of three. “China can be without me Ye Jianying, can not be without Comrade Xiaoping ” January 1969 February, because of “war preparedness evacuation ” to Hunan Ye Jianying, to visit Wang Zhen to understand for the same reason Deng Xiaoping’s life in Jiangxi The situation, and said: "China can not