今年12月28日,全长97.4 km的合(肥)六(安)高速公路将正式动工建设,工程概算总投资30.574亿元,预计2007年底建成通车。合六高速地处上海一武威国家重点公路一段,是国家西部大开发8条公路干线之一的合肥至西安公路的重要组成部分,也是安徽省“三纵四横七连”公路主骨架规划中的“一横”(即南京——合肥——叶集)的重要路段。该路起于肥东县路口乡,接已建成的合徐高速公路,终于六安市城北互通立交,与即将建设的六安至叶集高速公路相连。
December 28 this year, a total length of 97.4 km of the (fertilizer) Liu (An) highway will be officially started construction, the project estimates a total investment of 3.057.4 billion yuan, is expected to be opened to traffic by the end of 2007. Hefei Expressway is located in the first section of a Wuwei national key highway in Shanghai and is an important part of Hefei-Xi’an Highway, one of the eight trunk roads in the western development of China. It is also an important part of the highway in Anhui Province Planning in the “one horizontal” (that is, Nanjing - Hefei - Ye set) an important section. The road starts from Jiao Kou Township in Feidong County and connects with the He-Xu Expressway that has been built. Finally, the inter-city interchange at the north of Lu’an City connects with the upcoming construction of the Lu’an Expressway.