汽车过户就是将甲某的车转卖给乙某。按照道路交通法规和有关规定,汽车过户必须经过以下程序:1 到当地公安车辆管理所领取机动车转籍、过户申请表。在表上填好车主姓名、住址、电话、原车号牌、车辆类型、出厂日期、厂牌型号、发动机号和车架号以及申请的主要内容,然后请
Car transfer is to sell a car to a certain carou. In accordance with road traffic regulations and the relevant provisions of the car transfer must go through the following procedures: 1 to the local police car to receive the transfer of ownership of motor vehicles, transfer application form. Fill in the form the owner’s name, address, telephone, the original license plate number, vehicle type, date of manufacture, brand name, engine number and frame number and the main content of the application, and then please