新疆以北属于春玉米区 ,本区主要的玉米育种目标之一是高产稳产。以往品种区域试验 ,一般用标准差、变异系数来估测稳产性 ,用品种产量平均数较对照增产百分比来估算高产性 ,用新复极差法测试参试品种之间产量差异的大小 ,得到的稳产性和高产性是两个不相干的结论。温振民[1 ]
To the north of Xinjiang is a spring maize area. One of the major maize breeding objectives in this area is high and stable yield. In the past regional trials, the standard deviation and coefficient of variation were used to estimate the yield stability. The average yield of the cultivars was compared with that of the control yield to estimate the high yield. The yield difference between the tested varieties was tested by the new reciprocal difference method. The stability and high yield are two irrelevant conclusions. Wen Zhen Min [1]