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目的:探讨孕早期保健知识的知晓情况。了解孕妇有无不适妊娠的异常,以便及早处理;预防胎儿发育异常。孕早期是胚胎从受孕后发育成初具人形及四肢、五官、脏器基本具备的胎儿的重要阶段。孕早期发生异常,如孕妇生病发热等,胚胎发育容易出现障碍,即先天畸形,故称孕早期是致畸敏感期。做好孕早期保健可以有效预防胎儿发育异常以便提高孕期保健服务质量,为孕期保健服务提供新的信息。方法:对50例孕早期的孕妇进行孕早期保健知识现况现场调查问卷,通过发放调查问卷的方法让第1次来我医院妇产科门诊进行产前检查的孕妇及时填写,填写好之后及时安份收回调查问卷采用,及定期健康教育知识讲座观看教育影片的效果观察。并取得数据进行细致的统计分析,以便得出结论来分析。结果:调查结果显示,孕早期保健知识的知晓率较低。各项知识不知道率占22.64%~59.52%,知晓程度与孕妇孕产次、及其文化程度、家庭背景收入呈正相关即就是文化程度高的知识就会多点文化程度低的就知道的比较少;孕妇孕早期保健知识主要是从怀孕后的孕妇那里得知,以及书本、媒体及家中老年人中获得。结论:孕妇对孕早期保健知识的知晓度有待进一步提高,针对孕妇相关孕早期保健知识应给予专业化、个体化的指导和教育。建议定期要举办孕妇学习班,孕妇交流会,并针对个人存在问题详细了解和询问。妇幼保健所人员及护理人员对孕妇提出问题应现场解答和指导,并及时发放宣传资料,这样可以收到预期效果。观看教育影片是最好的教育形式之一。 Objective: To investigate the awareness of early pregnancy health knowledge. Understanding of pregnant women with or without pregnancy abnormalities for early treatment; Prevention of fetal developmental abnormalities. Early pregnancy is the development of embryos from the conception after the beginning of human and limbs, facial features, organ basically have the important stage of the fetus. Early pregnancy abnormalities, such as pregnant women sick fever, embryo development prone to obstacles, that is, congenital malformations, so that early pregnancy is teratogenic sensitive period. Good early pregnancy health can effectively prevent fetal abnormalities in order to improve the quality of service during pregnancy, providing new information for the health services during pregnancy. Methods: 50 cases of pregnant women in the first trimester of health knowledge on-site survey questionnaire, questionnaires by the way to the first time to my hospital obstetrics and gynecology outpatient prenatal care of pregnant women to fill in a timely manner, fill in a timely manner An-share recovery questionnaire survey, and regular health education knowledge lecture to watch the effect of educational videos. And obtain data for detailed statistical analysis, in order to draw conclusions to analyze. Results: The survey results showed that awareness of health care in early pregnancy was low. The percentage of unknown knowledge accounted for 22.64% ~ 59.52%. The level of awareness was positively correlated with that of pregnant women, their educational level and their family background income. That is, they knew that they had a higher level of education than those with a low level of education Less; Early Pregnancy Pregnancy Health knowledge is mainly learned from pregnant women after pregnancy, as well as books, the media and the elderly get. Conclusion: The awareness of pregnant women in early pregnancy needs to be further improved. Specialized and individualized guidance and education should be given to the health knowledge of pregnant women in early pregnancy. It is recommended to regularly organize pregnant women classes, pregnant women exchange, and for personal problems and learn more about questions. Maternal and child health staff and nurses to raise questions on pregnant women should be on-site answer and guidance, and timely dissemination of promotional materials, so you can receive the desired results. Watching educational videos is one of the best forms of education.
一、综合奖省湘剧院《马陵道》获文华大奖(戏曲类大奖4个,排名第4)省花鼓戏剧院《乡里警察》获文华新剧目奖(戏曲类新剧目奖21个,排名第3。) First, the comprehensive awa
自然分娩的好处毋庸置疑,但并非每个准妈妈都能自己生。  如果你想自己生,那么从怀孕开始,就要提前做足准备。  仔细阅读以下建议,也许能助你一臂之力。  自己生的好处,你可能意想不到  自然分娩是一种自然的生理现象,也是一种环保的生产方式,只要准妈妈身体健康、骨盆正常、胎儿正常、胎位正常,最好不要放弃自然分娩。  对妈妈的好处  避免了手术风险 自然生产可免受剖宫产手术带来的痛苦与弊端,如麻醉的风险
作者用高效液相色谱法测定了血清中[邻2,6-二氯苯胺基)苯基]乙酸的浓度。实验用Pye Unicam Lc3×P液相色谱仪,配有进样器、恒温仪和带玻璃碳电机的电化学检测器。检测器的工