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近几年,随着物流业的发展以及进出口贸易的增加,我国港口物流业取得了巨大的发展,上海港、深圳港、天津港等各大港口在货物周转量以及营业额等指标上都处于良好的发展状态,并且日益发展成为集运输、仓储、配送、加工等活动于一体的综合性物流平台,为我国的进出口贸易实现良好服务水平 In recent years, with the development of the logistics industry and the increase of import and export trade, great progress has been made in the port logistics industry in our country. Ports such as Shanghai Port, Shenzhen Port and Tianjin Port all have great influence on the turnover of goods and turnover In a good state of development, and increasingly developed into a set of transport, warehousing, distribution, processing and other activities in an integrated logistics platform for China’s import and export trade to achieve good service levels
为了解当代未成年人的思想道德建设现状,更好地做好中等职业学校学生思想教育工作,我们于4月25日至4月30日在全校在校学生中进行了一次“未成年人思想道德状况”大型问卷调查。参加此次问卷调查的有15个班级,共发放问卷500份,收回有效问卷482份,回收率为96.4﹪,调查采用无记名单项选择题的方式进行,现将问卷调查情况分析报告如下:  一、当代未成年人的主流是健康的,积极向上的  1.有正确的理想信念