【病例】 女 ,38岁。 1年前开始出现头晕、失眠、谵妄 ,多次就诊于精神病医院。 40天前 ,因上述症状加重并出现躁狂 ,在精神病医院按狂躁性精神病住院治疗 1月余 ,未见好转 ,且视力逐渐下降 ,狂躁间歇期取物、行走似盲人 ,来我院眼科会诊。专科检查 :双眼视力均为指数 /1m ,?
[Case] Female, 38 years old. A year ago began to dizziness, insomnia, delirium, multiple visits to psychiatric hospitals. 40 days ago, due to the above symptoms and the emergence of mania, psychiatric hospital by manic mental illness more than 1 month hospitalization, and no improvement, and gradually decreased visual acuity, intermittent period of manicure, walking blind people to our hospital ophthalmic consultation . Specialist examination: both eyes are index / 1m,?