拙文《2 0世纪西方思想的“东方转向”问题》① 提出了作为 2 0世纪西方思想文化运动的“东方转向”现象及其重要意义。本文拟从学术思想和学科范式的当代变革这个角度 ,对问题做进一步的展开 ,希望通过哲学、经济学、心理学等典型的西方学科的具体个案 ,来透视知识全球化过程
The article “The Oriental Turn” of the Western Thought in the 20th Century “(1) raised the” Oriental Turn "phenomenon as the ideological and cultural movement in the West in the 20th century and its significance. This article intends to further expand the issue from the perspective of contemporary changes in academic thinking and subject paradigm and hopefully through the concrete cases of western disciplines such as philosophy, economics and psychology, to examine the process of knowledge globalization