A simulation model for the radar backscattering cross section of the sea surface has been developed based on the synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging mechanism of the sea bottom topography. The relationship between tidal currents, sea surface winds and the SAR mapping of the sea bottom topography has been analyzed using the results of the simulation. It is shown that the sea bottom topography can be observed by spaceborne SAR more easily at high current speeds. The optimal direction of the currents for mapping the sea bottom topography is the direction perpendicular to the bathymetric features while the direction parallel to the bathymetric features is the worst. The optimal range of wind speeds for mapping the sea bottom topography is between 3 and 9 m/s. The wind directions between 30?and 89?are preferred although the effect of the wind direction on SAR mapping of bottom topography is complicated.
The simulation between the sea surface winds and the SAR mapping of the sea bottom top is has been analyzed using the results of the simulation. It is shown that the sea bottom topography can be observed by spaceborne SAR more easily at high current speeds. The optimal direction of the currents for mapping the sea bottom topography is the direction perpendicular to the The optimal range of wind speeds for mapping the sea bottom topography is between 3 and 9 m / s. The wind directions between 30? and 89? are preferred although the effect of the wind direction on SAR mapping of bottom topography is complicated.