上海东方队主帅李秋平平时待人总是温和细语、彬彬有礼,而在训练场上却声色俱厉、不停吆喝,督促队员高质量完成每一个动作。对这,队员们不但无怨言,反而都很喜欢他,认为在这样的“少帅”帐下出力紧张而又愉快,有利于自身的进步。 李秋平1960年出生于上海市卢湾区,他与篮球结缘有很大的偶然性。那是在1973年,从小没有摸过篮球的李秋平,在金陵中路小学即将毕业的时候,顶替一个生病的同学去参加区小学生运动会的投掷比
Shanghai Oriental team coach Li Qiuping usually treat people are always gentle, courteous, but in the training arena, sensual, stop crying, supervise and urge team members to complete every action of high quality. This team members not only did not complain, but like him very much, think in such a “handsome” account output tension and happy, is conducive to their own progress. Li Qiuping was born in 1960 in Shanghai’s Luwan District, he and basketball have a lot of chance. It was in 1973, did not touch the basketball Li Qiu-ping, Jinling Road Primary School is about to graduate, to replace a sick student to attend District Primary School Games throwing ratio