对上腔静脉综合征患者,临床使用非强力利尿剂引起低钠血症是罕见的。作者遇到一例肺癌伴上腔静脉综合症使用利尿剂合并低钠血症,兹报告如下: 患者王××,男,57岁,农民,住院号(35060)。断续发生发热,咳嗽、痰中带血、右上胸痛8月余,近3月来症状加剧;出现气促,面部浮肿,口唇发绀,颈粗大、两颈静脉明显怒张,上胸壁浮肿,胸腹壁静脉曲张。右肺可闻及明显干性罗音,心率138次/分,律
In patients with superior vena cava syndrome, the clinical use of non-diuretic diuretics caused by hyponatremia is rare. The author encountered a case of lung cancer associated with superior vena cava syndrome using diuretics and hyponatremia, and is reported as follows: Patient Wang X, male, 57 years old, farmer, hospital number (35060). Intermittent fever, cough, bloody sputum, upper right chest pain more than 8 months, symptoms intensified in the past 3 months; shortness of breath, facial edema, cyanosis, thick neck, two venous engorgement, swelling of the upper chest wall, chest Abdominal varicose veins. The right lung can smell well dry rales with a heart rate of 138 beats per minute.