国际象棋女子世界冠军赛始于一九二七年,目前每(?)军举行一次。 这是国际象棋联合会主办的最重要也是最高层次的世界女子个人比赛。按规则规定,挑战者要与原世界冠军进行十六盘比赛,每胜一盘得一分,和一盘得零点五分,负一盘零分。挑战者必须先得八点五分才能赢得世界冠军称号,而原世界冠军只要先得八分就能卫冕。
The Chess Women’s World Championship starts in 1927 and is currently held every (?) Army. This is the chess federation sponsored by the most important and highest level of the world women’s individual competition. According to the rules, the challenger should compete with the original world champion for 16 rounds, scoring one point for each win and zero point for one set and zero point for one set. The challenger must earn 8.55 points to win the title of World Champion, while the former World Champion can defend the title as long as eight points.